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Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Contoh Review Text Singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Setelah mempelajari berbagai contoh teks dalam bahasa Inggris sebelumnya, kali ini kita dihadapkan dengan ulasan mengenai review text. Review text atau teks ulasan merupakan bentuk teks yang lazim kita lihat di berbagai penjualan toko online, selain dikenal sebagai review text bentuk teks ini juga dikenal sebagai teks ulasan, testimoni, dan komentar.

Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini akan dibahas mengenai review text secara lengkap ditambah dengan beberapa contoh review text singkat dan sederhana.


Contoh Review Text Singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini penjabaran lengkap mengenai review text beserta contohnya.


Pengertian review text adalah bentuk teks bahasa Inggris yang berisi ulasan seseorang mengenai suatu hal.

Tujuan Komunikatif

Tujuan komunikatif review text adalah untuk memberitahukan kelebihan dan kekurangan kepada publik atau pembaca mengenau suatu hal yang ditinjau. Bisa juga untuk mengriktik suatu hal yang dianggap perlu pembenahan.

Generik Struktur

Sebuah review text berisi bagian orientation, interpretive recount, dan evaluation.


Menempatkan ulasan yang ditinjau pada konteks umum ataupun khusus.

Interpretive recount

Meringkas alur dari hal yang diulas


Memberikan sebuah evaluari terhadap ulasan yang ditinjau.

Contoh Review Text Singkat 

Berikut ini beberapa contoh review text dalam bentuk sederhana.
Asus Zenfone 5

Asus ZenFone 5 is a sophisticated Android smartphone that can be reached by the middle and even low class. This smart phone comes with a low price enough so that you do not need to spend large sums of money to get them. When issuing a product called Zenfone 5, Asus offers a very attractive package for you. It is powered by processors made by Intel which has been recommended since a long time ago as the processor for desktop computers. With the speed which is up to 2 GHz, it is possible if you wanna get a very responsive performance.

Powered by dual SIM standby. Inside it, there are two SIM cards so that you can activate two cards simultaneously. You also need to know that it uses a micro SIM slot so you have to cut the card before using it. Through the size of 5 inches, then you can get a more spacious screen experience and flexibility when operating this incredible smart phone. The resolution is high enough with 720×1280 pixels and the screen sharpness is able to reach 294 ppi.

Furthermore, is comes with a capatitive touch-screen technology with a more realistic image display and a wider viewing angle. To provide a maximum protection screen, Asus provides it with a Corning Gorrila Glass 3 so it will be anti-scratch.

The storage capacity is high enough to make you able to include a lot of files. This is because Asus has 8 GB of storage capacity. There is also an external storage slot with micro SD so that a user is able to have up to 32 GB of storage capacity. The current operating systems used by Asus ZenFone 5 makes it compatible with a wide range of Android apps in the Play Store.

Despite having many advantages, but the smart phone has been named as one of the most in demand has only a small battery capacity and big physical size is so it is difficult enough to put in a pocket.

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About Unknown

Bagikan kebaikan, karena kebaikan menular.

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