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Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Pengertian dan Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Recount Text merupakan salah satu bentuk teks dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki struktur yang singkat dan mudah untuk dimengerti. Recount text juga menjadi bahan pembelajaran dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sehingga sepatutnya kita pahami. Pastinya Anda juga pernah mendengar bahkan telah mengetahui apa pengertian dan contoh dari recount text. Tapi apa salahnya jika Anda menambah pengetahuan Anda dengan melihat contoh-contoh recount text di bawah.


Pengertian dan Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengertian dan Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengertian Recount Text

Pengertian Recount Text adalah teks bahasa inggris yang menceritakan kembali pengalaman, kegiatan ataupun kejadian-kejadian di masa lampau maupun yang sudah dilakukan dengan tujuan agar pembaca merasa terhibur dan mengetahui pengalaman yang dimiliki oleh penulis dari recount text tersebut. Intinya recount text berisi cerita pengalaman penulis baik itu pengalaman menyenangkan ataupun menyedihkan, sehingga menggunakan tenses past tense.

Tujuan Komunikatif Recount Text

Tujuan komunikatif dari Recount Text adalah untuk melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan tujuan memberitakan atau menghibur.

Struktur Recount Text

Berisi pengenalan berupa siapa pelaku dalam recount text, tempat terjadinya, dan kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi.
Last weekend, my family and me went for a holiday, the goal of the tourist attractions in Mount Ciremai, our family is really like when on vacation to the mountains, after me and my family was getting ready we immediately take a trip to get there by car.
Pada bagian ini, berisi peristiwa yang terjadi dengan penyampaian secara kronologis.
After a few hours, we finally got there, I immediately felt happy family, the parents we see the beautiful scenery, and adiku play games in Swift, there is very cool air once, and do not forget we also take pictures.
Di sini penulis menuliskan rangkuman dari recount text-nya dan kesan komentarnya.
After we are satisfied, my family and I finally came home, it was a nice holiday.
Contoh Recount Text
Berikut ini beberapa contoh-contoh recount text singkat.
Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

Fantastic Holiday
Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great place, I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.

Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.

After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing, The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them. 

My trip to Borobudur Temple
Last week, I spent my vacation in Jogjakarta, the city is famous in Indonesia. I went to the temple of Borobudur. My family and I went there in the morning we went to Borobudur temple by private car family. I had prepared everything before we went to Jogja. While we were driving, we get to see some beautiful scenery mountains, forests, and waterfalls as well as cars pass by.

My family and I arrived at the Borobudur Temple at 4:30 pm. There, I saw a lot of tourists. Borobudur temple is crowded on a holiday vacation. I can learn and practice speaking English with a foreign tourist different language to me.

Dovi his name. He is very friendly. This is the first time I spoke English with foreign tourists. We returned at 22:30 at night. It was a very interesting holiday for me and my family was happy. 
Mudah saja memahami recount text, setelah membaca pengertian dan contoh recount text di atas saya berharap Anda telah mampu menulis sebuah recount text dari pengalaman Anda. Dan jika berkenan Anda dapat mengirimkannya kepada kami melalui fitur kotak karya, agar dipajang bersama contoh recount text lainnya di laman ini.
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