Smansa Edu

Blog edukasi dan pendidikan untuk segala usia

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Setiap orang memiliki kemampuan dan bakat untuk beretorika atau berbicara di depan khalayak umum. Namun, bakat itu tidak akan muncul ke permukaan jika hanya dipendam sehingga perlu latihan yang baik untuk memiliki kemampuan beretorika yang baik. Salah satu contoh kegiatan beretorika adalah dengan berpidato.

Membahas mengenai pidato, kali ini saya akan membagikan satu contoh teks pidato Bahasa Inggris. Selain, memacu adrenalin kita saat berbicara di depan umum ini juga adalah sarana mengembangkan nilai percaya diri dan meningkatkan konsentrasi berpikir. Apalagi jika menggunakan teks pidato Bahasa Inggris, karena tingkat kesulitannya akan sedikit berbeda dari teks pidato Bahasa Indonesia. Berikut ini disajikan contoh teks pidato berbahasa Inggris.

Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini contoh teks pidato bahasa Inggris mengenai tema pendidikan.
Assalamu'alaikum Wb. Wr,
Dear principals SMA 01 cape, all the teachers and administrative staff SMA 01 cape and all my friends from class X to XII.

Before I deliver a speech, I would like to invite you to be grateful to the almighty God, who has given us the grace and guidance, so that we can meet together in this blessed place. And I also do not forget to submit sholawat and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, who has brought us from darkness into the light to age, so we are always on the right path.

Of a variety of reasons and opinions will arise when we hear the question "Did learning English is important?" Sure some say learning English is important for various reasons and opinions and also there who think learning English is less important and is not important for various reasons and opinion. According to you, it is important whether learning English?

On this occasion, allow me to present a speech on "Learning English is it important ?"

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Departing from a question of "whether important to learn English?" How important do you think the English language to learn? We all know that English is one of the few international language that is used in many countries in addition to Arabic and Chinese. English is a language derived from English country then spread through his mastery until it touches the Americas and then the English language used there. Britain and the US who later became a great country that has a strong influence in all areas, making the English language into a language that is often used today.

And that makes the important English is English is a language that has a special status in 75 countries and used in more than 100 countries. English is the international language for business, sports, academic, science, technology, advertising and diplomatic.

Do we have to ask if it turns out English is widely used in almost all areas by many countries in the world ?

Ladies and gentlemen.
Many people in this country do not agree about the importance of learning English, which is of course accompanied by a variety of reasons and their opinions. They argue: Why do we have to learn English? When we still had its own language, the Indonesian language, which is used as the national language and unifying our country. Why do we have to learn English? When we still have thousands of regional languages should we preserve.

However, we live in this world is not his own. There are some things that require communication language in different countries. Therefore, we certainly need a unifying language. And English emerged as an international language we know. To that end, it is important to learn the English language from primary school up to the top level so that pupils and students have the nation's next international outlook which will determine the future of our beloved country, Indonesia.

Do you still ask "whether learning English is important?"

Not much I can say today, just a few lines above the words that I can say to you on this occasion, thank you very much for your attention and I apologize for my mistakes and I say the final word:

Wa' alaikumsalam Wr. Wb.

Tips Berpidato Bahasa Inggris

Sebenarnya bukan hanya Pidato Bahasa Inggris, bahasa lainnya juga boleh menggunakan sedikit tips di bawah ini.
- Kuasai bahan sebaik-baiknya, pelafalan dan intonasi harus sering dilatih
- Sebelum tampil, lakukan kontak mata dengan hadirin.
- Tidak usah tergesa-gesa, dan tetap tenang. Jika tangan gemetar dapat di atasi dengan menggenggam sebuah kerikil (pungutlah sebuah kerikil jika Anda yakin tangan Anda akan gemetar saat berpidato).

Sekianlah contoh teks pidato Bahasa Inggris yang kami sajikan, semoga memberi manfaat kepada Anda dan semoga kegiatan pidato Anda diberi kemudahan dan sukses seperti yang diharapkan.

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